Sunday 10 February 2019

Achadas da Cruz cable car

Achadas da Cruz cable car brings you to Fajã da Quebrada Nova by the beach (see also featured image). This place should actually be very high on the best places to visit in Madeira list, but it’s a true hidden gem not mentioned in most travel guides and overlooked by most tourists, and I guess it’s better if it stays that way. Up to a few years ago only accessible by boat, it feels like the most remote place in the world.  To us it was one of the best unexpected discoveries and one of the most special places of Madeira.
We expected to spend just a few minutes here, but almost two hours flew by exploring this beautiful coastline undiscovered by tourists. We had this hidden gem all to ourselves.  Just the pebbled beach, the sea, and spectacular nature that makes you feel small and humble. It’s our kind of paradise!
Here you can read more about this beautiful place that can be reached by Achadas da Cruz cable car.
A tiny coastal area that can be reached by Achadas da Cruz cable car in Madeira

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